Australian Government - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advancing the interests of Australia and Australians internationally

REnew Pacific - Round One

This is a preview of the REnew Pacific Concept Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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* indicates a required field.

General Information

This form is to be completed by the Lead Applicant Organisation wishing to partner with REnew Pacific. If you have any issues or queries regarding this form, please contact the REnew Pacific team at 

Before you commence your application, please read the Guidelines for Applicants available here or via  REnew Pacific website ( for more information.  

ConfidentialityAll application data will be kept in the strictest confidence.  All REnew Pacific and DFAT personnel that review applications are bound by strict confidentiality/non-disclosure arrangements 

Must be no more than 150 characters. 
Must be a date. 
Must be a date. 
Which best describes your project: * Required
Response required.
Which sector(s) will your project have most impact (choose 2 most relevant) * Required
Response required.Response required.
At least 2 choices must be selected. 

Concept Note

Please attach your REnew Pacific Concept Note, using the REnew Pacific Concept Note Template, below. Ensure all Funding Criteria are addressed.

The Concept Note Template is available here. Descriptions of each of the Funding Criteria can be found in the Guidelines for Applicants available here or from the REnew Pacific website.   

Attach a file: Select stored file
    This section is optional. You may add any additional documentation to support consideration of your application. Any attached documentation provided should be referenced or summarised in the concept note to indicate the relevance and applicability of the attached supporting documentation to the RENew Pacific Funding Criteria.

    Funding Information

    All totals should be entered as numbers in Australian dollars (AUD). Please ensure ALL your funding figures matches with those in your Concept Note. 

    Must be a dollar amount. 
    Must be a dollar amount. 
    Must be a dollar amount. 
    This number/amount is calculated. 
    This number/amount is calculated. Partners' co-financing vs requested REnew funding

    Lead Applicant Organisation Details

    The Lead Applicant Organisation is the entity seeking REnew Grant funding and with whom REnew Pacific may enter into a contract grant agreement if the application is successful 

    Name of contact person for application
    Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. 
    Must be an email address. 
    Must be a URL. 
    Has the Applicant Organization received prior funding from the Australian Government in any capacity, or funding from other donors? * Required
    Are any other Partnering Organizations (aside from DFAT) involved in this proposal?

    Other Partner Details (Not Applicable)

    This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Are any other Partnering Organizations (aside from DFAT) involved in this proposal?" on page 1

    If there are other partnering organisations (aside from DFAT) potentially involved in this proposal, please enter their details below. 

    Other organisations should be considered as a partner organisation where their roles and responsibilities are substantial in delivering a part of the proposal. They will be required to go through a REnew Pacific due diligence process. 

    You can add up to five (05) partner organisations.  

    Must be an email address. 
    Must be a URL. 
    Has this Organization received prior funding from the Australian Government in any capacity, or funding from other donors? * Required

    Must be between 1 and 5 rows

    Eligibility Screening and Declarations:

    In relation to the Australian International Aid Program, DFAT undertakes a range of risk management measures, including fraud control and the application of social and environmental safeguards. REnew Pacific proposals will need to comply with related policies in order to be eligible. For more information about DFAT's risk management policy click here. 

    Has the Applicant Organisation been involved in any legal action, pending or resolved, in the last 12 months? * Required
    Has the Applicant Organisation been investigated for fraud or corruption in the last 5 years? * Required
    Has the Applicant Organisation had to file for bankruptcy or equivalent in the past 5 years? * Required
    Has the Applicant Organisation ever been investigated, internally or externally, for issues related to Child Protection? * Required
    Has the Applicant Organisation ever been investigated, internally or externally, for issues related to preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment? * Required
    Is the Applicant Organisation, or any of its representatives listed on any ‘black’ or ‘debarment’ lists * Required
    • I acknowledge the relevant DFAT risk management policies and declare that to the best of my knowledge that the proposal complies with the relevant policies and guidelines.

    • I declare that the proposal is aligned with REnew Pacific Funding Criteria and Guidelines.

    • I declare that the proposal includes, or is intended to include involvement of at least one organisation that is based, legally registered and able to operate in a Pacific Island Country or Timor Leste.

    • I acknowledge that all REnew Pacific Proposals must contain some level of Co-Contribution

    • I declare that the proposed project area is not serviced by main utilities electricity grid

    • I acknowledge that, as part of the ongoing assessment and approval process, the Applicant Organisation will be subject and required to cooperate as part of a Due Diligence assessment, including in relation to, background checks, organisational financial capacity; legal action, fraud and corruption, environmental and safeguards management; risk management and policy compatibility. Where working with a Partnering Organisation, the Applicant Organisation may also be required to coordinate relevant Due Diligence Checks on that Partner Organisation prior to contracting or release of funds. The full list of Due Diligence requirements to be explored during the Funding Proposal stage can be found in the REnew Guidelines.

    • I acknowledge that DFAT has a zero-tolerance approach to fraud, corruption, child exploitation and abuse, and that I will be requested to acknowledge and adhere to DFAT's core policies including for fraud control and child protection.

    I acknowledge that all of the above is correct and accurate, and I agree to all of the above points. * Required
    How did you hear about this Call for Proposals? * Required
    Response required.
    Typing your name here deems signing

    Thank you for completing the REnew Pacific application!